
Extraordinary O Family

I've been a little remiss about blogging lately. Sometimes in my quaint but crazy universe of 3 babies, always at least 3,000 photos to edit and approximately 3 minutes to myself all day (I utterly insist upon quiet time around 3pm even if it only lasts that long) something's just gotta give. Hey, if I pretend it's just the blog, I might just fool even myself. Usually it's the laundry, dinner, the putting away of everything, my hair, the kids' hair, the crunches, piles of mail, getting dressed, the thank-you notes, the backyard, groceries, dishes, dusting, my old instruments, bed-making, those phone calls, them toys, and yes, also, the blog. Oh boy. But I'm here now. Because sometimes I just can't stay away. Because sometimes when the munchkins have gone to bed before the sun has even set, because they beached it not once, but twice, the day seems especially sweet, a tad longer, extra blessed, and while I long to hit the pillow, I realize it's not quite 8pm and I have all of the above to do, and more. I sit and let my work fill a corner of our home with light and love and at a glance find that it is impossible to not adore a picture that puts words behind what is indescribably good.

Which leads me to why I'm here... tonight.

This family is beautiful, calm, loving, content in and of themselves, real. There's just something about that that feeds my soul. Especially these days. Especially this moment. I love people who do not look over your shoulder when they speak. I love parents and siblings that make each other giggle and glow. No music, no drinks, no glitz, no ticket in the hand, no extras needed. It's rare. It's refreshing. To me, it's tangible here...

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3 sisters... that's something close to my heart.

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Indeed, after a little hiatus, I've fallen back in love with Preston Beach for photos...

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Thanks, O Fam, for the honor. It really, really was.

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