
B Family

The B Family was photographed on this same dock not quite a year ago. Not quite is the key! Last year it was cold and blustery, but still I fell in love with this secret location and was thrilled to return this September. This month, it was calm and serene. Little miss big sister and her darling kid brother are as doting on one another as my own dynamic duo and it was a joy to watch them now walking, talking and full of even more spunk than last time we got together.

It is a great honor to photograph families each year that passes so quickly, one I am only just discovering as I celebrate my first anni as a portrait photographer in glorious MHD, and I feel very, very lucky indeed. There is no joy like living in a small town where around every corner is a smile you know quite well. You are forever safe, bundled and never alone. And don't you know, a few days after this shoot, I ran into these two kiddos at the park and they called out to me, perfect smiles in tow, by name. That, to me, is thank you enough.

Benedetto CD1

Benedetto CD

Benedetto CD2

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Benedetto CD3
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