
You're Invited!

Great news! It's Victoria Dosch's first portrait party and you're invited. What's more 50% of all the profits are going to the Avon Foundation for Breast Cancer. I've teamed up with the very amazing, energetic and beautiful Mandy Gonzalez to bring this exciting event to Marblehead later this summer.

How it works:

You dress your family up as you would for a summer session or evening do, and come along with nothing but smiles to eat, drink and be merry. You're bound to be with some familiar and some new faces, all under the gorgeous backdrop of our very own Chandler Hovey Park.

There'll be apps, drinks and fun for the family, and while you're there, I'll be taking each family aside for a few minutes to capture 5-10 beautiful family portraits. The light should be perfect, the mood, so happy, and you'll get to choose one, or more, of your portraits to keep forever. Along with a free evening of entertainment, the session fee and printing price for one 8"x10" is all included.

Win, win, win.

So, sign up today. Spaces are limited. Sign up with a friend, or come along and spot who you know from around town. It's bound to be a very happy, very worthwhile night!

Questions? Email victoriadosch@gmail.com or amandag@mei-travel.com
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